Auckland Meccano Guild

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Meeting report August 14 2010

The meeting took place at the home of Neil Carey. Neil had opened up his basement to provide extra space for model layouts. Neil is still working on his version of a NZR rail chassis WW class no 644.
The base is almost complete with valve gear in place and driving motor working well.

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Rick Vine had a T-form meccanograph adapted from an original Konkoly design by Mike Fallows. It worked well and as with all of these mechanisms is mesmerizing to watch in action.

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George Ovenden had brought along an original plastic version of the tricky track railway, a meccano version of which has been around for some time ( meccano magazine ) and always interests the public when displayed.

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Gary Higgins had brought his dalek in yellow, silver, black meccano and is still working on the drive mechanism. He also had a Konkoly model walking camel which is complete but needs adjustment to the walking mechanism, currently rolling about as if in a drunken state and falling over...oh well too much to hope that it would work perfectly at a club meeting. Gary had also made up one of the new extreme set models from existing speedplay parts and had made up a spaceship from the new 10 model set using the new Parts.

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Henry Porter had built an enormous motorcycle, which certainly looked the part, it commanded most of one table. I asked Henry why he makes such huge models and he explained. They all start off small but things just get out of hand.
Henry had also crafted two steam carriages from photographs in a victorian album, a Goldsworth sovereign steam carriage and a Trevethick carriage.

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Les Megget had brought along a tractor made with the new 25 model set and again using the new parts.
Les also had an early 20's No3 nickel set in nice condition which attracted some interest.

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David Wall had made up two of the new robot sets and had mounted them on a replica base plate from the Mechanical demonstration set.

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Graeme Mills had brought along a neat model of an antique car cleverly disguised as a whiskey decanter. The appreciation for this particular model waned when it was found that the decanter was empty.

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Matthew Carey had made up a neat lawn mower which worked well, it was a little wet to try it out on the lawn.

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Gerald Hart had brought along an excellent model of a reaper / binder and an early taxi

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Mike Stuart had his climbing penguins display.

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John Denton had a nice 0 gauge train set on display.

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Also attending the meeting were:
Bob Pentney
David Barnard
Roger Shearer and son who came along on Graeme Mills advice
William Irwin, who brought along an assortment of overseas meccano magazines.
Peter Hancock who announced details of a proposed February folly in Taupo.
There is also a request from the TePapa Museum to mount a display in November.
There was very positive feedback from the Model X display and Toyworld have been approached by Peter and have agreed to give a 10% discount for meccano purchases. Peter will make up an distribute a club card to those who want them you will need to give Peter your details to include on the cards.

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