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June 2005

NZFMM Magazines

Volume 29 Issue 3 NZFMM Magazine June 2005

p3-4 1918 Atkinson Steam Wagon with Vertical Boiler.
p4 CD “MM Volume 1, 1972 to 1981” Review.
p4 A Letter from David Wall.
p5-8 Tadano 60-Ton Hydraulic Crane-Truck.
p9 Konkoly’s Nurse.
p10 Income and Expenses April 2004 - March 2005.
p10 Cable Command Set 6515.
p11 Meccano in West Africa.
p12-13 Judges, and Modellers with their Models.
p14-15 You, Death, and Meccano.
p15-16 Spanner.
p16 Wes Dalefield Webmaster Prize.
p16 Winter Weather and Meccano.
p17-18 Bruce's Choices.
p18 Lloyd's Bits and Pieces.
p19-21 Club Reports.
p22 John's eBay Auction Column.
p22 Club Diary .
p23 Buy & Sell.
p24 Junior Prize Winners.

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