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Interactive Models

Interactive Models for Meccano Exhibitions

To touch or not to touch: That is the question.

It is very apparent that younger children (and older ones up to and beyond retirement age) thrive on active participation at Meccano exhibitions, be it by winding a handle, pushing a button or other means of making a model work. This page has been set up to enable Meccano constructors from all over the world to share their ideas about interactive models. Models on this web page can be simple or complicated, hand operated or motorized, computer steered, but the idea is that the visitor MUST interact with the model for something to happen.

We urge readers to contribute a photo and if possible a short video of their interactive model(s). Before you do so, please look at the index below to see if the same, or similar model is not already featured on the website. Please include your email address. This will be included in the directory of contributors, so that contributers can be contacted with questions about, or comments on the models.

Please send examples of models of an interactive nature to Roland Jaspers at, or to William Irwin at willpam.irwin2@gmailcom.

Directory of contributers and index of models.
Update: February 2025
(Click on the model name to view it)


Interactive Models

Christchurch Meccano Club


Roland Jaspers

Benham discs, 90 degree drive, Climbing Monkey, Spinning Top, Acrobats, Finger Cruncher, Jack Hammer, Racing Set,
Schmidt Coupling, Tower Crane, Monkey Ladder

William Irwin

South Seeking Chariot, Gearing Demonstration,
All Knows Designing machine

Rick Vine

Apple Picker, Most Useless Machine, Marble Maze
Gearless Differential, Inline Rotary to Linear Movement

Stephen Westmoreland


Johnny Meccano (John Burke)

Baba Yaga's Hut, Motor Skill Tester, Rocket Launcher, Wall-E,
Useless Box, Windmills, Timed Switch for models

Jim Munro

Crane Loading Pipes onto Truck

David Wall

Swinging Parrot

Stephen Styles

Jack in the Box, Meccano Maze, Ping Pong Fun

Antoni Gual

Right Angle Gearless Drives

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