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Interactive Models

Interactive Models for Meccano Exhibitions

To touch or not to touch: That is the question.

In the words of Roland Jaspers: 'We have all been to exhibitions (Meccano and others) where all or the majority of exhibits were of the “do not touch” variety. Because of my somewhat limited technical ability I have from my early Meccano days had an emphasis on simple, interactive models. The delight on children’s (and adults’) faces when they engage with these models makes the sometimes rod for one’s back thus created well worthwhile.'

Models in this directory can be simple or complicated, hand operated or motorized, computer steered, but the idea is that the visitor MUST interact with the model for something to happen.

Roland Jaspers has provided a few models to start off with. Most models are straightforward but where required assembly instructions will be added.

Please send examples of models of an interactive nature to Roland Jaspers at, or to William Irwin at willpam.irwin2@gmailcom.

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